Preparation for Pitching Investors

6 Steps of Preparation for Pitching Investors

Presenting to investors is one of the most demanding and nerve-racking parts of the fundraising process. But, whether presenting your startup for the first time or as a seasoned entrepreneur, it works in both cases. The presentation lasts about 45 minutes, and your business is evaluated and analyzed by investors during that time. In this short time, you decide if your project is successful or if it will never get off the ground. But, of course, the outcome is entirely up to you, and below we have highlighted some tips to help make your pitch more successful.

Find the right investor

The fate of your presentation can be decided before you even begin your pitch meeting. It all depends on the investors you choose. It would help if you chose an investor who would be interested in financing your company. So you need to do your due diligence beforehand and find as much information about the investor, their career, interests, network, and temperament as possible. Next, think about whether they can resonate with your idea and soberly decide if it’s a good fit for you.

Get your presentation right

A properly crafted presentation is also important to make a pleasing impression on your audience. It would help if you made a presentation of no more than 15-20 slides. In these slides, you should shed light on the following:

  • The problem you want to solve
  • What solutions do you propose
  • Advantages and disadvantages of your product
  • Tell about your target audience
  • Your business strategy
  • Your financial performance
  • Your exit plan

But for your presentation to be truly successful, it’s not enough to take advantage of the PowerPoint tools and add a couple of colorful pictures and charts. It requires strategic planning, appropriate design, and thoughtful words. A well-crafted presentation is a great visual proof of your comments and helps convince investors more effectively.

Tell your story

Your presentation should move and inspire, not lull your audience to sleep. But if you overdo it with too much numerical data, it will be hard for investors to focus on the essence and miss a lot of important information. That’s why you should periodically move away from dry facts and figures and focus on the story you want to tell. This will help your presentation follow a logical progression and increase investor interest.

Get the details right

One of the most important things you need to do at a pitch meeting is talk about your business model, team, finances, and plans. After all, investors won’t write you a check unless they’re sure you’re committed to the project in the long run and have the resources to do so. So, communicate these details to your audience as often as possible.

Bring clarity to your investment needs

Don’t let the answer to the question of how much money you need be vague. This is one of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make. Many people may think that asking for a specific investment amount is bold and intimidating because there is a chance that the investment won’t pay off. But it is very important to be precise and confident about this issue. Investors want to ensure they have thought through their financial needs.

Be prepared for a Q&A process

A question-and-answer process follows your presentation. Investors will want to ask you questions no matter how detailed you’ve been in your presentation. You need to anticipate these questions in advance and prepare decent answers. Look at your presentation and consider whether there are things that need further clarification or whether you have any concerns about your market.
